How are you doing right now?

Tina and I wanted to document this moment of social distancing, as a way to bring us closer together when we are hunkered down. 

We started collecting calls on March 15, 2020. This project is an ongoing attempt to hear how the impacts of the corona virus develop in people’s lives over time.

Our first piece aired March 27th on KQED’s California Report.

Current Theme: Love & Relationships

We are looking for people to call our voicemail line and tell stories about what challenges (and triumphs!) of interpersonal relationships you've been experiencing during quarantine/shelter-in-place/social distancing.

Stories can be about your relationships with family members, friends, co-workers, partners, exes, neighbors, hairdresser etc. Pick one, or more than one!

To participate, please call:


Skip the questions you don't want to answer. 

The message will cut off at 10 minutes. Call back if you need to.

First: Say your name, age, occupation if you want, where you live and the date.

Family: How has this experience impacted a relationship with a parent-- or as a parent? If you are sheltering with other generations, what’s that like? If separated, how are you staying connected? 

Partner: Are you quarantining with your partner? How new-- or not new-- is the relationship? Describe a hard moment... and/or describe a sweet or tender one. How is this impacting your relationship with one another? Alternatively: are you separated? Recently broken up and still in touch? Going through couples therapy? How is all of that going, in a time of social distancing? 

Sex Life: How are you negotiating your sexual desire during the pandemic? How are you negotiating this with potential sex partners? 

Dating: What’s it like to date while social distancing? How are newer relationships impacted by this? How are you staying connected, if apart?

Friendship: Have you made or discovered new friendship during the pandemic? Supporting a long distance friend? Finding commonality or division in an old friend? Reconnecting with old friends? 

If calling about one specific story, give us a bit of background about what things were like pre-COVID and how things have changed since. And leave us an email address where we can connect with you if you are interested in follow up questions.

Thanks for joining us in this collective storytelling experiment.  If you want to invite someone to call in, feel free to forward this on!

Evan & Tina