Here's how this works: Every year for ten years, you leave messages to your Future self. At the end of the ten years, you'll get all your messages back so you can hear what a decade of your life sounds like.
Here’s the phone number:
If you prefer, you may instead email me voice memos at
At the beginning of each message, say your name and the date so I can archive it in your folder.
Minimize noises and distractions near where you are calling
Talk to your future self, not me. I don’t listen to the messages, I just archive them!
If you get cut off, call back as many times as you need. Don’t forget to say your name and the date for each message.
The deadline to call in is January 5th.
You can call as many times as you’d like before the deadline.
Use these to provoke stories or anecdotes from the past year.
This Exact Moment:
How are you feeling today? Where are you recording this message?
What are you wearing? What did you eat today?
How have you prepared/not prepared for this?
Message to the Future Focus Group:
What’s your experience with this project?
What do you imagine it will feel like to hear a decade of these messages?
World Events & Culture:
What’s a detail or story that stuck with you about a world event or issue?
What’s the most pressing global or local issue for you right now?
What's a work of art that has moved you this year?
What book / podcast/ TV show / movie are you obsessed with or haunted by - and why?
What's it like to be a citizen of your country right now?
Re: COVID - What’s it been like this year as opposed to last year?
How would you describe the transition “out of COVID” for you?
Do you miss anything about the pandemic?
Specific smells can instantly trigger memories. In 2030, you detect an aroma or a stench that brings you back to the year 2022. What’s that smell, and how is it a part of your life now?
Describe a memorable meal from this year. Who was there? What did you talk about? What was the general vibe?
Go through your favorite photos from this past year. Describe the situation where you took one of them and what makes that photo special to you.
What are the sounds in your daily life that feel like ‘home’ to you? Ponder for a second and then slowly list off these notable sounds.
How do you feel about your body currently?
What piece of clothing is your favorite right now, and why?
What changes in your body are you noticing as you get older?
What does it feel like to be in your body?
What were some professional developments from this past year?
What is one thing about your job that stresses you out? What do you hope will change about your job in the coming year?
Who at work do you connect with the most? Can you remember when you felt closer to them?
Are you working hard or hardly working? What’s your work ethic like this year?
What makes you feel proud these days? Where do you think you need to improve?
What’s a decision you wish you could have done differently?
What is the best compliment you received this year?
Have you done something fearless this year?
Talk about a time when you were uncomfortable and what you learned from it.
Who were the people that you grew closer to this year?
If new, how did you meet? What’s your dynamic?
What was a memorable situation you shared this year with friends?
How did your romantic relationship deepen this year? Can you pinpoint a few moments?
How did your friendships deepen this year – can you pinpoint a situation?
How would your partner or friends say that you’ve changed this year?
What’s a compliment (or complaint!) that you have heard from your partner or friends this year?
Turning Points:
What are some of the big choices you had to make this year?
What choices did you put off this year?
What was a hard decision you had to make this year? What was the situation and what made it difficult?
What’s something that happened this year that you imagine will still be impacting your life in 2030?
What would a normal day look like for you this year?
Pick out one moment in your daily routine and describe it, something you love about it and why.
Meaningful Objects:
What’s the most special thing you made, bought or were gifted this year?
What’s an object that you think will still be in your life in ten years. What would it mean to lose it?
Extra from an Esther Perel newsletter I got yesterday:
What has made you feel hopeful in moments of darkness, loss, or grief?
Is there a person in your life who gives you hope? Do they know?
What’s a song that lifts your spirit?
What’s a quote that has inspired you?
Next Year:
Describe something you'd like to achieve by this time next year.
What do you hope for other people in your life?
What big life events are you excited about - for yourself and your loved ones?
Where do you see yourself growing in the coming year? In the coming decade?
As always, feel free to reach out with questions!
415-309-5964 or